Save a Throne, Save the World: Upcycling
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Upcycle
In honor of Earth Day, this Saturday, April 22nd, I thought it apropos to talk on the topic of upcycling. Recycling we know to be the process of stripping down consumer materials to their foundation to manufacture new consumer products. Upcycling, however, puts the innovation in your hands. Find something no longer being used: a dresser, a table: update, reconfigure, repurpose and you’ve granted it new life. Sometimes, walking the aisles of big box stores -whether home improvement, furniture, or even housewares – I am overcome by the consumerism. I’m obviously in the store so I’m not denying the appeal of them but truly, I marvel at the amount of stuff created for the consumer, or specifically home-owning consumer. It can be unsettling. (more…)