A major design decision when planning your kitchen remodel is choosing countertops. Second only in my mind to cabinet selection, choosing the perfect countertop to complement your cabinetry and lifestyle requires a little bit of knowledge and some in-person visits. In this post we look at the pros and cons of the different materials available for today’s kitchens so you can make the best choice for you! (more…)
Curated, a selection of stylish and bespoke home and personal accessories, is offering homeowners access to unique and beautiful items not available in traditional retail channels. (more…)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Upcycle
In honor of Earth Day, this Saturday, April 22nd, I thought it apropos to talk on the topic of upcycling. Recycling we know to be the process of stripping down consumer materials to their foundation to manufacture new consumer products. Upcycling, however, puts the innovation in your hands. Find something no longer being used: a dresser, a table: update, reconfigure, repurpose and you’ve granted it new life. Sometimes, walking the aisles of big box stores -whether home improvement, furniture, or even housewares – I am overcome by the consumerism. I’m obviously in the store so I’m not denying the appeal of them but truly, I marvel at the amount of stuff created for the consumer, or specifically home-owning consumer. It can be unsettling. (more…)
If you are a coffee junkie like my husband, there is an optional piece of kitchen equipment you may want to consider for your new home or kitchen remodel: a built-in (or integrated) coffee machine.
The Backstory
My husband is a German, and likes his coffee strong and often. So when we were planning our kitchen remodel back in 2011, he started looking into built-in coffee machines. Being a good Irish girl from Massachusetts, I grew up drinking tea with milk, so I wasn’t sold on the necessity of the purchase. But, my husband persisted – making a case for how important his morning (and afternoon and sometimes evening coffee) was to him.
We also had a huge Italian automatic espresso/cappuccino machine he had purchased in Germany and lovingly transported back to the States that took up about half the real estate on my counter tops. So in truth, I wasn’t too reluctant to give in, giddy with the idea that I would regain some much-needed counter space. And I have to say, even though I don’t use it for myself, it has been a great addition to the kitchen for guests and entertaining.

Who is a good candidate for a built-in coffee machine?
First, you need to like a stronger, espresso-based coffee. (more…)
Inspired by St. Patrick’s Day weekend, we’re highlighting six historic green paint colors for your Maison Mass!
The Backstory
I will admit it, I hate making decisions about paint colors for my house! Don’t get me wrong, I love color, its just that committing it to the walls of my home terrifies me!
My Maison Mass is a pretty standard center entrance colonial-style house built in 1989. Several years ago, I decided to have my foyer painted. Since it’s a two-story number, that meant I was choosing a color for not only my first floor hallway – but for our second floor landing as well. Too big of a job to get the color wrong!
Anyone who knows me, knows I naturally gravitate to muted shades of yellow, because they are cheery (and safe!). But the exterior of our home is yellow, and I had recently painted the connected living room and dining room in yellow, as well as one of the boy’s rooms. Too much? My husband thought so and put his foot down :).
All About Green
So, I started thinking about green as a viable option. Green is second only to blue as a favorite color. Scientifically, the human eye is more sensitive to green than any other hue – in fact we can see more shades of green than any other color. Green is ubiquitous in nature and signals spring, renewal and growth. From a psychology perspective, green relaxes and soothes and is thought to promote balance and harmony. What better characteristics to bring to a home? (more…)