There are a number of factors to consider in selecting those kitchen appliances that work best for your home and family while not busting your budget. Before window shopping, first know your budget for all your appliances. Having an overall budget and a price range for each respective appliance will help keep you on track. It’s all too easy to fall for the new, deluxe model and want, in that moment, to throw caution to the wind and the budget with it. If you decide to splurge on one or even two appliances, then you may likely have to make concessions elsewhere.
If you are a coffee junkie like my husband, there is an optional piece of kitchen equipment you may want to consider for your new home or kitchen remodel: a built-in (or integrated) coffee machine.
The Backstory
My husband is a German, and likes his coffee strong and often. So when we were planning our kitchen remodel back in 2011, he started looking into built-in coffee machines. Being a good Irish girl from Massachusetts, I grew up drinking tea with milk, so I wasn’t sold on the necessity of the purchase. But, my husband persisted – making a case for how important his morning (and afternoon and sometimes evening coffee) was to him.
We also had a huge Italian automatic espresso/cappuccino machine he had purchased in Germany and lovingly transported back to the States that took up about half the real estate on my counter tops. So in truth, I wasn’t too reluctant to give in, giddy with the idea that I would regain some much-needed counter space. And I have to say, even though I don’t use it for myself, it has been a great addition to the kitchen for guests and entertaining.

Who is a good candidate for a built-in coffee machine?
First, you need to like a stronger, espresso-based coffee. (more…)