Father’s Day: Ten Tools for all the Best Dads
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My dad, in his day, was extraordinarily handy, always fiddling in his shop. As a kid, it seemed a weird hobby; as a homeowner now – a priceless skill set. Every Father’s Day, we would set out to find him the next greatest tool…the one that would change his life. That, and the requisite white tube socks and t-shirts. I later married a man who would turn out to be equally skilled this way. Oddly, he requests socks and t-shirts too. To the point at hand though, let’s talk tools for dad.
With the dads’ help and the input of This Old House and Tools of the Trade, I’ve compiled a list of tools the handy dad might enjoy adding to his collection. This is a general list, not intended for any specialties, but does presume some experience with tool handling. I’ve tried to include some at varying price points. (more…)